Vietnam's Car Market

2.9 million cars on road (2017)

  • HCMC: 700,000
  • Hanoi: 580,000

Key Drivers

  • Lower tax rate (0% ASEAN import tax in 2018)
  • The booming of Uber and Grab in Vietnam
  • Low interest car loan
  • Rising middle income, GDP per capita reach 2,700 USD in 2020
  • Upgrading the transport infrastructure
  • Rising of urbanization

Sales Volume by Segment 2017

  • Main stream segment: 190,000 units, -10.2% yoy, strong decline of cars and MPV segment
  • Premium segment: 9,660 units, -15.9% yoy, shortage of imported car

How We Differ

IFM builds its research expertise through a combination of fact-based market analysis and strategic consulting


  • Macro economy & government policy
  • Car player activities
  • New car models launching
  • Price tracking
  • Public data (VAMA, Vietnam Register...)

Primary Research

  • Quarterly car buyer mobile panel survey
  • Brand health tracking
  • Market entry survey
  • In-depth survey

Market Analysis

  • Market profiling & snapshot
  • Market sizing, share
  • Distribution analysis
  • Forecasting & scenario planning

Competitive Strategy

  • Product benchmarking
  • Pricing analysis
  • Brand tracking
  • Competitor tracking

Growth Strategy

  • Market entry
  • Partner evaluation & selection
  • Project implementation
  • Value proposition development

For a detailed version of our offer, please click HERE

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Do not hesitate to ask us directly! We’ll be glad to discuss your business problem and help you to find best solutions for you.

IFM Research is a technology-driven market research company specializing in mobile, custom & integrated strategic research in Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos region.

Contact Us: 121 Quoc Huong, Thao Dien, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam   
+848 (28) 3824-0888 - extension: 2021 / 2022