Improve your relationships & create maximum momentum for your business.

You probably already heard this many times, but it bears repeating: research on consumer loyalty, says it costs five times as much to acquire a brand new customer than to keep a current one.

What is it all about?

Being mindful of what your stakeholders are experiencing lets you identify and rectify potential problem areas before you lose your stakeholders’ trust. When you begin asking the hard questions on customer / employee satisfaction you will discover an unlimited source of real insights on your business performance. And you gain an opportunity to adjust yourself to keep the customers where they shall belong: your brand.

How we deliver?

At INFOCUS, we view loyalty as a multifaceted construct composed of interrelated approaches and behaviors. We work on many different layers – to uncover, understand and leverage your customer loyalty. Our strategy provides comprehension of the full image, to assist you to preserve and increase customer loyalty. We assess whether you’re in tune with your target audiences’ values, what channels they’re using as well as the experience they’ve been receiving there, and what special variables drive their devotion.

Eventually, we provide on-going tracking of your stakeholders present satisfaction. We also include insight on the key factors that drive their loyalty and helping you to receive an early warning on customer churn.

Utilizing a proven satisfaction index, were are able to not only tell you what is good and what needs to improve, but we direct you on how you stack up against the completion and how what you need to focus on and prioritize to have the maximum impact on your business.

Measuring positive change

Improve overall customer / employee commitment and loyalty by;

  • Developing a benchmark, versus the completion (index your service proficiency)
  • Identify, prioritize areas of improvements and implementation strategy
  • Isolate what your customers / employees truly value and you can act upon
  • Develop incentivisation schemes to drive commitment and behavior modification
  • Provide you with an insightful perspective into your customers’ experiences.


Benefits for Businesses

Benefits for Businesses

Immediate results after customer interaction
Use own data base of customers for accuracy and speed of response.
Benefits for Consumers

Benefits for Consumers

Experience fresh in mind and based on actual events, not memory
Short and easy to complete.


Banking speed, quality of service. Insurance agents feedback, Fast Food service

Would like to know more about satisfaction research?

Would like to know more about satisfaction research?

Do not hesitate to ask us directly! We’ll be glad to discuss your business problem and help you to find best solutions for you.

IFM Research is a technology-driven market research company specializing in mobile, custom & integrated strategic research in Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos region.

Contact Us: 121 Quoc Huong, Thao Dien, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam   
+848 (28) 3824-0888 - extension: 2021 / 2022